Friday, February 11, 2011

I read the following this morning. Jenny is one of the people I am going to Haiti with. I don't really know her but I hope I get too. She writes amazingly well and always has something worthwhile to say. Today was no exception.

practice makes perfect

Remember when you were a kid and your mom would tell you to go do something, like practice your piano? I’d always respond with something like, “I don’t want to, I don’t like it, because I’m not any good at it.” And her response? The same response all moms learned at Mom School: “practice makes perfect!”

Ugh. I always hated when she said that! But she was right. The more I did something, the better I got at it, or at least the more comfortable I got trying to do it. It all starts with a risk, and a willingness to try.

There are many things I wish I had tried when I was a kid. I wish I hadn’t been so self conscious and cared so much about what others thought. My perfectionist side persuaded me at times that it was not worth the risk if there was a possibility of failure. I wonder what my life would be like now had I taken a few more risks as a kid?

I can’t change my past, and I am okay with that. God has certainly taught me how to take risks and He has certainly taken me out of my comfort zone more times than I can count. Many times I have heard people say that when you are faced with a decision, to count the cost. What’s the possible outcome? How will this change your life? Sure, God gave me a brain to think things through, but sometimes I think we over analyze things. We take too long to pull the trigger. We let fear tell us we’re going to fail. That it doesn’t make sense.

Sometimes, God will lay something at our feet and ask us to just do it. Don’t think, just jump in!

I saw this video on Facebook this morning of a man in India who saw the forgotten, the people that many ignored. He couldn’t live with the idea that they were hungry and needed care. So he did something about it. Take a look at this story:

Pretty amazing and inspiring, isn’t it? We all have the chance to do exactly what this man did. He saw a need and took action. We all are exposed to so many different needs, and we have the choice to ignore it, or help. Make you uncomfortable? Good. Until there are no more needs in the world, God doesn’t want us to be comfortable. He wants us to take risks and do something extraordinary. This man was one person. He didn’t need piles of money to do something remarkable. He had a compassionate heart, and that was the perfect place to start.

“But I don’t know where to start! I’m not good at reaching out! That’s not my gift!”

Maybe so, but don’t forget…practice makes perfect!

Matthew 25:40 “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

I agree with Jenny but it is hard to see how we can have the kind of impact this man has. However during Christmas this year Sarabeth challenged me to do something everyday for some one else. Not the usual things I do for others but something out of the ordinary. I had a great time trying to find things to do. Some of them were very small and some were things like paying for the guy behind me in the drive thru's lunch. I have made it a point to keep on trying to do something everyday. Some days it is easy and some it isn't. The best part is that it always feels good. Some days it is as simple as taking the grocery cart to back in for the Mom with 3 kids so she doesn't have to. It is easy to find people that need help. I challenge you start looking.

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